Pope Benedict XVI

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"Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" (John 21:15).

A Brief Biography

For an excellent biography of Pope Benedict XVI visit the Vatican's Website

Joseph Ratzinger was born on April 16, 1927 in Germany.  Before Joseph became Pope he was known for his profound intellect and served Pope John Paul II for many years as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  He requested permission to return back home on more than one occasion to continue his studies and writings but John Paul II asked him to stay.  Trusting in God's providence, Joseph humbly agreed.

On Aril 19, 2005 Joseph was elected to become the successor of Peter and the successor of his close friend Pope John Paul II.  His first major trip outside of Rome was to his home country of  Germany for World Youth Day.

Before becoming Pope, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger wrote a number of excellent books, such as Introduction to Christianity and The Spirit of the Liturgy.  Next to John Paul II, the writings of Ratzinger are the best available for obtaining a profound understanding of Christianity.  The official publisher of his writings in the English language is Ignatius Press.

Pope Benedict XVI took the name of St. Benedict.  St. Benedict is the founder of western monasticism and played a large part in building the European culture through Christianity.  Benedict XVI's predecessor, Pope Benedict XV, was a highly talented writer and preacher.  His Encyclical Humani Generis Redemptionem (On Preaching the Word of God), July 15, 1917, needs to be read over and over by the priests of today.

We hope and pray that Pope Benedict XVI will be granted a very long life so that the Catholic Church will experience a profound renewal under his leadership.




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